Yes!!! We finally had our first family out-of-town trip during a pandemic after 7 months of being stuck in NCR.  Where did we go, you might ask… we went to Zambales to get some sun, sand and sea.  I know a lot of you have questions and I will try to answer them below, read on.

Are we really permitted to travel already?

Yes, IATF (Inter-Agency Task Force) Resolution No. 79, issued last October 15, 2020 states that:

The interzonal movement of persons not authorized outside of residences (non-APOR) between areas placed under GCQ and MGCQ for any purpose shall be permitted subject to the reasonable regulations imposed by the LGU concerned, if any, which should be submitted to the DILG, or in the case of Boracay Island, subject to those imposed by the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force (BIATF).

Coordinate with the LGU of the town where you are planning to go so you’ll know their requirements. Different municipalities, different rules.

Are minors allowed in out-of-town trips?

Yes, as long as they are with parents.  See Secretary Ano’s statement.

Are there checkpoints along the way?

From NCR to Zambales, there was only one (1) active checkpoint and that is in Barangay Subic, Zambales.

Do you need documents to travel?

We brought our medical certificates, which they asked for in the checkpoint mentioned above.  We also brought proof of billing in our Zambales address just a back up document in case they’d need a proof of residence.

What else do they ask at checkpoints?

Other than the medical certificates, they would ask where you came from, where you’re going, that’s about it.

Where did you stay there?

We stayed in our beach home.

Are there resorts that are open in Zambales?

Yes there are but just to be sure, you can always contact the resort for more information.

Are there COVID cases in Zambales?

There are a few, most of them recovered. 

What safety precautions did you practice during this out-of-town travel?

Before our travel, we had our physical check up to ensure that we are fit to travel.  The medical certificates were also presented in the check points in Zambales.  During our travel, when in public places, we wore our masks, frequently washed our hands or used alcohol to sanitize.  Also, instead of dining in, we drove thru and ate in our vehicle.  We observed social distancing and we limited interaction with other people.  We religiously took vitamins to strengthen our immune system.

A change of scenery, spending time outdoors and being close to nature rejuvenated our well being.  The kids enjoyed playing with the waves, gazing at the stars at night, listening to the birds chirping, dining al fresco, feeling the fresh cool pine scented breeze in the morning, watching the sun set, and a whole lot more. 

All these happened and the kids still attended school, how cool is that?  Thanks to distance learning! 

online schooling by the beach
perks of distance learning

Oh, did I mention that we buried 230 sea turtle eggs!!! Yes, and we’re waiting for them to hatch so we can set them free, more on this story here

sea turtle eggs
Sea Turtle Eggs

We also got to help locals in Zambales by buying their crops and catch, a little help goes a long way especially during these challenging times.

There you have it, our first family out-of-town trip during a pandemic.  I’m praying for brighter and more relaxed days ahead.  If you have more questions, please feel free to comment below.  Safe journey everyone.

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