

During school break when kids are at home, I prepare different activities to keep them occupied.   My husband requests more outdoor physical activities. I, on the other hand, would like them to learn something that would be useful for them in the future. While the kids, of course, would want to use their gadgets all day.  In order to strike a balance, I would plan and make a schedule of activities to keep them busy.  To yield to my husband’s request, I have enrolled them in the past in swimming and tennis classes.  The kids get to have their gadget time after they finish the tasks assigned to them for the day. Here are some of the activities that they do during school break:

Keep Kids Busy with Reading Comprehension Activities

They read a book during summer to enhance their comprehension skills. There would be questions at the end of every chapter that they need to answer. There are also some vocabulary words that they need to define. Before, I would choose the book that fits their age and interest. But lately they choose their own book.  There are materials available online, we got some from Free Unit Studies website and Super Teachers Worksheet’ site. Here are just some of the books they read during school break:

Improve Children’s Handwriting

Handwriting is not given much importance nowadays because of the growth of technology. I believe that handwriting helps us to digest words more and helps us in our language processing skills.  Writing by hand allows us to slow down. It makes us think of the words we are writing, how they are spelled and how they fit the structure of the sentence we are creating/reading. 

I’ve reinforced writing in print when they were younger and cursive when they were in higher grades.  My son told me that he appreciates that he could read teachers notes in cursive unlike his classmates. I’ve taught them both and they can choose which form they are more comfortable with.  They have practiced handwriting bible verses, famous quotes, word definitions, etc. 

We found the cursive bible verses from Heart of Wisdom website. One whole set of cursive practice sheet is available in Activity Village, another one can be downloaded from This Reading Mama Website. We just did the movie quotes from scratch. Here are some of the works that they have done in the past:

Introduce Kids to Typing

After handwriting, the next thing I’ve taught them was typing.  In this computer era, it is a fundamental skill to learn how to use the keyboard efficiently.  There are a number of platforms where the kids could learn how to type accurate and fast. Some are in the form of games others are in the form of drills and exercises.  They appreciate that they learned typing at an early age. They now enjoy typing fast and accurate in doing their projects in school or even in playing games or chatting online with their friends.  We used Dance Mat Typing and Typing Club for our typing exercises.

Sharpen Kids Math Skills at Home

For me, one of the skill that needs to be strengthened is Math.  Having confidence in basic arithmetic is very important so kids would not get intimidated by any form of Mathematics.  When they were in first and second grade we focused on addition and subtraction.  In the years after, multiplication then division.  We use drill sheets, games – online and downloaded, flashcards, books, etc.  You can check out one of my posts on mastering the multiplication table. Some of the resources that we used came from and

Dive into Arts and Crafts

To tap into the kids’ artistic side, we did some painting, drawing, sketching, etc. Here are some of the kids output throughout the years. Check out Mr. Otter Art Studio in you tube for simple and easy to follow artworks that kids can do. You may try water color techniques, simple landscape, sunset and a whole lot more. We also did some t-shirt printing, scrapbooking, upcycling which I will discuss in detail in another post.

Involve Kids in the Kitchen

Another life skill that I want the kids to learn is to cook and bake. Thus, I intentionally taught them basic cooking and baking when they are on school break. I would make them familiar with cooking and baking equipment and terminologies while we were using or doing them.  They had hands-on training when it comes to the kitchen. During their younger years they would chop tomatoes, peel garlic, wash the veggies etc.   Lately, they get to cook the dish that they want. I would just be the one to buy the ingredients and to guide them on what to do.

Acquaint Young Ones with Nature

Living in the city has its pros and cons. One of the cons is that children are not familiar with plants and trees since they are surrounded by concrete structures. In order for my children to get a feel of nature, I encourage them to plant. This activity shows them how a tiny seed becomes a plant or a tree with just water, sunshine and air. It teaches them to be responsible having to take care of the plants, making sure that their plant gets what it needs. They get to appreciate nature more, getting to see God’s hand at work with His other creations such as the vegetation.

For this exercise, we use seeds from the kitchen scraps like tomatoes, kalamansi, squash, bell peppers, chili peppers. Sometimes we get to experiment with root crops like gabi and fruit seeds like avocado, papaya, mango, jackfuit etc. Some of their plants have been transplanted in the province and are bearing fruits already like papayas.

Teach Children the Art of Selling

We also did selling. The kids help me prepare food to sell and actually sell them in our front yard. Not only did this boost their confidence, it increased their human interaction. It also sharpened their math skills when calculating the total amount and and giving change to their customers. They actually enjoyed this activity and they look forward to it every year.

Once they are done with their assigned task for the day, they are free to use their time. We only do one or two activity per day so they still have free time to do their own stuff. We also make sure that they take breaks when they are using their gadgets. 

Hope this article gave you some ideas that you can do with your kids while they are at home.  Remember to always have fun. May God bless us always. ♥

Simple and Easy Chicken Asado Recipe

Easy and Simple Chicken cooked in a Soy Calamansi (toyo mansi) base.
Easy and Simple Chicken Asado Recipe

Having a hard time figuring out what to cook for lunch or dinner?  If your family likes the Filipino Adobo (this is like it’s cousin), they would definitely love this recipe . Here’s a very easy and simple Chicken Asado recipe that your whole family will enjoy. 

Chicken Asado Recipe


  • 1 kilo chicken (quarter cut or adobo cut, whichever you prefer)
  • 2tbsp cooking oil
  • 3-4 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1 medium onion sliced
  • 1 pc laurel leaf
  • 1/4c calamansi juice
  • 1/2c soy sauce
  • 1 large potato quartered
  • 1 medium red bell pepper sliced


  1.  In a pan heat oil, add garlic and onion, sauté until fragrant, light brown, about 1-2 minutes.
  2. Add chicken. cook until no longer pink, about 5-8minutes.
  3. Add soy sauce, calamansi juice and laurel leaf.  Cover and simmer in very low heat for about 30 minutes. 
  4. Turn the chicken, and then add the potatoes.  Cover and cook for another 30 minutes.
  5. Add bell peppers, cover and simmer for an additional 5minutes.*
  6. Serve with steamed white rice.  Enjoy.

*Note: You may also mix either one of these to add another dimension to this dish – 1 tbsp tomato ketchup or 1 tbsp pineapple juice or 1 tsp sugar. It’s up to you, but as it is, this dish is guaranteed delish. Don’t forget to cook enough steamed rice.

If you love the toyo-mansi flavor, I have a Deconstructed Morcon Recipe that you can also try.

I surely hope that you will like this recipe as much as our family does. I will be posting more recipes soon.


Sea Turtle eggs in a pail
First batch of Sea Turtle Eggs

During our first family trip to Zambales (during pandemic), we had a chance to bury sea turtle eggs. When I posted photos of the eggs on FB, a lot seems to be interested in these cute creatures. I will share with you our sea turtle “eggsperience” here by answering frequently asked questions about them.

Where did you get the Sea Turtle Eggs?

We got them from poachers who took the eggs from the beach along the West Philippine Sea.

Are they for free?

No, the poachers are selling them between P8-10 each.  We bought them to be reburied and set free in the ocean once they hatch.

How big are they?  Are they like chicken eggs?

Sea Turtle eggs are roughly the size of a pingpong ball.  No they are not like chicken eggs, they feel leathery and are spheres not the usual egg shape that we know of.

How many eggs does a Sea Turtle lay?  Do they all hatch?

Sea Turtles lay an average of about 100 eggs.  Only 70-80% will hatch. Few will survive until adulthood with estimates ranging from  1 in 1000 to 1 in 10,000. Which is why we are trying to save them.

Do Sea Turtles lay eggs all year round?

No.  They normally go to the shore to lay eggs during the colder months. During their nesting season they may lay more than one clutch/nest. They can lay 2-8 nests in one season on the average.  

Why do the eggs need to be moved from the original nesting spot, why can’t they be left where they were laid?

Poachers wait for the sea turtles to lay eggs and dig them up to sell them.  When we got them from the poachers, we reburied them in a safe place where animals can’t eat them, vehicles won’t run over them and they won’t get washed away by the waves.

How deep should the new nest be?

We dug about a foot deep then carefully placed the eggs in.

How long does it take for them to hatch?

It takes between 45-55 days for them to hatch depending on the species, temperature, location, etc.

Can you eat sea turtle eggs?

They are endangered.  We are trying to save their specie and eating them is out of the question.

What do you do when they hatch?

We will set them free in the ocean, hoping a large number of them will survive until adulthood and go back to the place where they hatched to lay their own eggs.

Hope all this information has shed some light on the plight of our precious sea turtles.  Let’s try to do what we can to save them.


Yes!!! We finally had our first family out-of-town trip during a pandemic after 7 months of being stuck in NCR.  Where did we go, you might ask… we went to Zambales to get some sun, sand and sea.  I know a lot of you have questions and I will try to answer them below, read on.

Are we really permitted to travel already?

Yes, IATF (Inter-Agency Task Force) Resolution No. 79, issued last October 15, 2020 states that:

The interzonal movement of persons not authorized outside of residences (non-APOR) between areas placed under GCQ and MGCQ for any purpose shall be permitted subject to the reasonable regulations imposed by the LGU concerned, if any, which should be submitted to the DILG, or in the case of Boracay Island, subject to those imposed by the Boracay Inter-Agency Task Force (BIATF).

Coordinate with the LGU of the town where you are planning to go so you’ll know their requirements. Different municipalities, different rules.

Are minors allowed in out-of-town trips?

Yes, as long as they are with parents.  See Secretary Ano’s statement.

Are there checkpoints along the way?

From NCR to Zambales, there was only one (1) active checkpoint and that is in Barangay Subic, Zambales.

Do you need documents to travel?

We brought our medical certificates, which they asked for in the checkpoint mentioned above.  We also brought proof of billing in our Zambales address just a back up document in case they’d need a proof of residence.

What else do they ask at checkpoints?

Other than the medical certificates, they would ask where you came from, where you’re going, that’s about it.

Where did you stay there?

We stayed in our beach home.

Are there resorts that are open in Zambales?

Yes there are but just to be sure, you can always contact the resort for more information.

Are there COVID cases in Zambales?

There are a few, most of them recovered. 

What safety precautions did you practice during this out-of-town travel?

Before our travel, we had our physical check up to ensure that we are fit to travel.  The medical certificates were also presented in the check points in Zambales.  During our travel, when in public places, we wore our masks, frequently washed our hands or used alcohol to sanitize.  Also, instead of dining in, we drove thru and ate in our vehicle.  We observed social distancing and we limited interaction with other people.  We religiously took vitamins to strengthen our immune system.

A change of scenery, spending time outdoors and being close to nature rejuvenated our well being.  The kids enjoyed playing with the waves, gazing at the stars at night, listening to the birds chirping, dining al fresco, feeling the fresh cool pine scented breeze in the morning, watching the sun set, and a whole lot more. 

All these happened and the kids still attended school, how cool is that?  Thanks to distance learning! 

online schooling by the beach
perks of distance learning

Oh, did I mention that we buried 230 sea turtle eggs!!! Yes, and we’re waiting for them to hatch so we can set them free, more on this story here

sea turtle eggs
Sea Turtle Eggs

We also got to help locals in Zambales by buying their crops and catch, a little help goes a long way especially during these challenging times.

There you have it, our first family out-of-town trip during a pandemic.  I’m praying for brighter and more relaxed days ahead.  If you have more questions, please feel free to comment below.  Safe journey everyone.


Items inside our Family Travel First Aid Kit

First aid kit is an essential part of our family travel checklist.  As we get ready to explore the outside world, I am making sure that our first aid kit is well prepared.  I would like to share with you what’s inside Our Family Travel First Aid Kit.

Disclaimer:  I am not a health care professional and this is not a sponsored post. Items listed here are what we bring and use when we travel.

Over the Counter Medications and Vitamins

  • Paracetamol – reduces fever, relieves minor aches, and pains.
  • Antihistamine – relieves allergic symptoms.
  • Salbutamol – used for asthma attacks.
  • Antacid – for hyperacidity, it relieves heartburn and indigestion 
  • Motion Sickness Pill – prevents dizziness, nausea and vomiting caused by motion sickness.
  • Oral Rehydration Salts – rehydrates the fluids and salts that are lost due to diarrhea.
  • Vitamin C – immune system booster and helps in reducing cold symptoms and duration.

Wound Care

  • Antiseptic Solution/Wipes – used to disinfect wounds before applying dressing.
  • Alcohol – for disinfecting scissors, safety pins, hands, etc.
  • Antibacterial Ointment – a topical antibacterial for cuts and wounds, it helps to avoid infection and aids in healing wounds faster.
  • Cotton Buds – used for applying ointments and creams.
  • Plasters – intended to cover small cuts, blisters and wounds.
  • Gauze Pad – covers bigger cuts and wounds.
  • Medical Tape – secures gauze in place.
  • Scissors – for cutting gauze, tapes, etc.
  • Safety Pins – helpful in removing splinters and tiny objects that get stuck in the skin.

Skin Protection/Remedy

  • Bug Repellant – applied on the skin to keep away bugs.
  • Topical Analgesic – used as treatment for minor muscle and joint pain.
  • Calamine Oinment – for rashes, bug bites and minor burns.


  • Bandage – for sprains.
  • Face Mask – helps prevent spread of disease, it also prevents you from contracting any airborne infectious germs.*
  • Face Shield – provides full face protection from contamination.*

*Note: The government highly encourages the public to wear face mask and face shield in public places, so better come prepared with extras.

I hope we could all travel soon. When we get to travel, let us support our own country first. Travel the Philippines, buy Filipino products, let’s do our part in helping our economy to get back on track. Wishing everyone a healthy and safe journey.


This post will show you a 20-Step Guide for PHP20 Photobook. It presents a step-by-step guide on how to get a 40-page Photobook (6×6 Mini Square Softcover)for as low as P20 plus P150 shipping fee. Please do note that the P150 shipping fee is paid for each Photobook, combination shipping is not allowed.

Before Ordering

Let’s prepare the Photobook for printing. First, download and install the Free Photobook Designer Software on your laptop. Next, choose the book type and size. Make sure it’s 6×6 Mini Square Softcover, otherwise you would be paying a higher amount. Then add photos, edit the design and layout of the project and make sure everything is exactly the way you want it to be. Here’s a quick guide on how to use the designer software. After the final review, the Photobook is now ready for production.

Step-by-Step Guide

Once satisfied with the project, you are now ready to order. Follow these steps and get each of your Photobook for only P170, shipping included.

Account Creation

1.        Create a Photobook Account here.

Voucher Purchase

2.        Buy a P20 Metrodeal Voucher for a 40-page Photobook, 6×6 MIni Square Softcover.  You can purchase it here. Keep the voucher code, you will use it later.

Photobook Designer

3.      Open the Photobook Designer. Next, open your ready to order photobook project, then click Order.

Finished or Ready-to-Order Photobook Project
Click Order

Note: There might be some low-quality photos, change them if you wish or just click Continue.

4.       Tick the disclaimer check box then click Start.

Tick the Disclaimer Checkbox then click Start

5.       It will open in your default web browser OR  you can click Help and a Confirmation pop-up will appear, click Copy.

Click Help
Click Copy

6.       Open a browser of your choice. In this case, Google Chrome is used. Right-click on the Address Bar then click Paste.

Paste the copied link to desired browser

Voucher Redemption

7.   You will be redirected to your Photobook Account, log in. In your Photobook Account, your shopping cart would look like the one below. Make sure that the Item/Project in your shopping cart is the correct one. Notice that the price subtotal is P1,250, click Use Voucher to apply the voucher that you purchased earlier.

Click Use Voucher

8.   Type in the Metrodeal Voucher Code that you bought earlier, then click Redeem.

Type the Voucher Code and Click Redeem

9.   Click Apply. The final price would now be P50.

Click Apply

10. In the Paper section click Change to remove the P50 remaining.

Click Change

11.   Click Premium Silk to remove the P50 additional fee for the paper then click Apply.

Click Apply

12.   Your Total Price would be P0.00, click Next.

Total price is now Php0.00, Click Next

13.   Make sure shipping details are correct.  Click Standard Shipping (with Tracking) for the P150 shipping fee.  And choose the mode of payment, you can use Paymaya, Credit Card or Paypal or GCash.  In this example, GCash is used.

Choose Standard Shipping, Click payment option of your choice


14.  It will redirect you to the GCash site.  Log-in to GCash with your mobile number, click Next.

Type GCash Number

15.   GCash will be sending an authentication code to your mobile number. Enter the code, then click Submit Code.

Type Authentication Code

16.   Log in to pay with GCash using your 4 digit MPIN.

Input MPIN

17.   Click Confirm and Pay to pay the amount due which is P150.

Click Confirm and Pay

18.   Once your order has been confirmed they will send an order confirmation email and provide an Order ID. You may use the Order ID number to check the status of your order.

Order ID


19.   Wait for a few minutes and an upload order window will appear. Click Upload Order,  then click Continue. Wait for a couple of minutes for the photos to finish uploading.  How long the uploading takes will depend on file size and internet speed.

Click Upload Order

20.   They will let you know once the order has been successfully uploaded to the server. Click Ok.

Upload Done, Click Ok

Congratulations your order is now complete. All you have to do is to wait for your photobook to be delivered right at your doorstep. For Standard Shipping, delivery time is alteast 7-10 business days, add 3 days more for areas outside Metro Manila.

It’s as simple as that, a 20-Step Guide for a PHP20 Photobook. I hope that this detailed guide has inspired you to make your own photobook. Happy photobooking! 🙂

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT a sponsored post, all opinions here are my own.