A Visual Vocabulary Enhancement Board for Kids

Word Bank a visual board with vocabulary english words, idioms, tagalog, chabacano and kapampangan translations
Word Bank – Visual Vocabulary Board

Goodbye January… Hello February!  I am not yet done with my goals and schedules for 2020 and January breezed thru just like that! Speaking of goals, if one of your objectives this year is to teach your kids a new language or widen their vocabulary, this might help you. This post will be about our Word Bank – a visual board that is used to enhance our kids’ vocabulary. Read on…

A couple of years ago, when my kids were much younger, I wanted to teach them Chabacano – a Spanish based creole and Kapampangan – my husband’s dialect. Then I decided to write down words and post it on the wall for them to see and read. That is when our “Word Bank” was born. In a corner in our home, I’ve placed a board where I wrote words that my kids would read and understand and hopefully they would remember and apply in the future. 

What’s in our Word Bank?

Our Word Bank has the following:

  • A vocabulary English word with it’s meaning
  • The English vocabulary word used in a sentence
  • An idiomatic expression and it’s meaning
  • A common English word translated in Tagalog, Chabacano and Kapampangan

I made it colorful to attract their attention. I would also place drawings to emphasize the meaning of the words. 

Materials used for our Word Bank

With a little creativity, research and the following materials, you can do your own Word Bank at home. Things needed are:

  • Illustration board – the black portion
  • Colored Chalks
  • Document Clips
  • Stick on hooks

Word Bank Samples

Here are some samples of the word bank that I’ve done:


At first I would change the board on a weekly basis but gradually it became a tedious task on my part. So last year’s plan was that I would write bible verses on the first week, idioms on the second, English vocabulary on the third and the dialect translations on the fourth week and there would be a line up of the verses, words and idioms for the entire year so it would be easier on my part, but still it didn’t materialize. It would take me forever to update it!. 

2020 Word Bank – Visual Vocabulary Board

I’m planning to start again this year and hopefully I will be able to update it on a weekly basis with the schedule like last year’s:

  • First Week – Bible Verse
  • Second Week – Idiomatic Expression
  • Third Week – English Vocabulary
  • Fourth Week – English, Tagalog , Chabacano and Kapampangan
  • Fifth Week – Tagalog saying

I’m excited to make the line up for this year!  How about you, do you have plans that you were not able to do last year? It’s never too late to start again, right? We can do it! 

Here’s my first entry for our 2020 Word Bank.

Word Bank a visual board with the verse Romans 12:2
2020 Word Bank Romans 12:2

Hope you found some inspiration in this post. Thanks for dropping by and I wish you’d visit again soon. 🙂

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